In every situation, we have a choice: look right, focus on the positives, opportunities, and solutions, or look left and dwell on the challenges and problems. However, true adaptability requires examining both sides for a balanced perspective. Unfortunately, many of us tend to turn our heads left, especially during uncertain times and setbacks.

This session aims to boost confidence, empower individuals to take control and foster optimism in achieving their goals. By shifting from reactive to proactive thinking, you can approach unexpected obstacles with a positive attitude. Enhance your adaptability quotient, gain fresh perspectives, and unlock new possibilities.


Your people will learn:

  • Learn how a simple mindset shift can amplify your adaptability quotient
  • Develop emotional and mental resilience when plans go awry
  • Cultivate a habit of proactive thinking to uncover possibilities and innovative solutions
Talk to Feel Good


Feel Good can immerse your people in this topic either as a single session or as a behaviour change programme.

  • Virtual Workshop
  • In-office Workshop


We can cater for any audience type, from Senior Leaders to employees and HR teams.

  • Employees

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