We’ve all experienced the regret of words spoken hastily, causing unintended harm. In today’s diverse and inclusive workplaces, addressing micro-aggressions and fostering open dialogue is crucial.
As diversity, inclusion, and equity continue to be workplace priorities, it’s essential to confront our behaviours and words. Recognising and addressing micro-aggressions, even if unintentional, it’s a skill that helps build inclusive workplaces. Rather than avoiding these conversations, we must engage in them to understand their impact and collaboratively decide on the way forward. This approach fosters growth and nurtures a culture of learning.
To create a more inclusive environment, we must provide candid feedback when we witness insensitive behaviour. In this session, we explore recognising and addressing micro-aggressions, articulating feedback effectively, and managing emotional responses.
Your people will learn:
- Understand when and how to step in when you encounter insensitive behaviour or micro-aggressions
- Learn practical phrases and structuring techniques to deliver candid and respectful feedback
- Explore the importance of a growth mindset in actively seeking feedback without feeling shut down
- Develop strategies to manage emotional responses to feedback and gain insight into your reactions
Feel Good can immerse your people in this topic either as a single session or as a behaviour change programme.
- In-office Workshop
- Virtual Workshop
We can cater for any audience type, from Senior Leaders to employees and HR teams.
- Employees
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